Turn your medium-term receivables into cash faster!
By transferring your fixed term receivables due from your international business transactions irrevocably to our bank, you can receive financing before your trade’s due date.
Your Benefits:
- Your liquidity will be improved
- Your receivables on your balance sheet will be reduced
- Your credit line will be protected
- Since the transaction discount fee will be deducted before the due date and the due amount of the bills of exchange is paid as cash, your income and expenditure account will be calculated more easily
- Your exchange risk will be reduced since you have a cash flow before the due date
- You will have faster and easier transaction process
- We first verify the creditworthiness of the party liable on the bill and, if necessary, that of the guarantor.
- We subsequently pay you the proceeds of the bill, less a discount.
- We waive the right to recourse in respect of your company so that you no longer have to worry about payment of the bill of exchange on the due date.